So, on top of the usual daddy duties, the chores involved with running a house, keeping track of a wife, 2 kids and a neurotic housecat – I also have had a battery of medical tests done due to my advancing years. I’ve dubbed them, ‘The Ol’ Man Tests’
In addition to wrangling with doctors over prescriptions, I’ve ha multiple blood draws and a delightful little procedure that required me to not eat solid food for almost 48 hours straight.
I’m beginning to think there was a reason God smote Job’s offspring first. There is nothing worse than being tortured with hunger while a growth-spurt five year old is demanding food be shoved in his gullet every 4.25 zeptoseconds. I won’t torture you with the details, but the procedure I had to undergo after starving myself was the perfect degradation to cap a long two days of kwashiorkor.
And of course, it cut into my dev time on top of it.
I’ve been trying to round out my 3-level demo with a mini-boss fight, trying to add some ‘platformer’ elements, including the persistent question: How do you ‘fight’ a boss monster when your only game mechanic is jumping?
What I’m coming up with is trying to use an old asset; The Launcher, and have him lob projectiles at the boss. I want to set up a button for the player to jump on; trigger the launcher and then have a cool-down time before the button resets and can launch again.

Hopefully, the player will find a challenge in trying to avoid being hit by the bosses projectiles while trying to knock him down. The rest of the level will be a slow steady climb, with random jump scares, obstacle avoidance / jumping and random knockbacks – here is how its shaping up: