So, in my long term goals of getting a wet bar put in the office, kids that behave, and a wife that gives unsolicited foot rubs; there IS the small matter of having a full fledged, 3 level demo done by the time GDEX rolls around in September.
I have come to realize that constantly polishing the same level I have made is making what I have smoother and shinier, but doesn’t do much to get to that end goal of having s o m e t h i n g done. And for that, I need something more than just bouncing around my flower level until the player gets to the top. And as serendipity seems to just flow from my child’s fingertips (I wonder if that’s his mutant superpower) he drew the whole range of coins, pennies, dimes – he even got a Half Dollar, too!
So, now the fun part of it: making things; pasting them around the level and playing it until I think its kinda fun. My neighbors have a couple of kids who are willing playtesters, so I’ll have the dads over for some home brewed ales while we watch the kids play and wait for their verdict.
And as always, my art director / inspiration is finding it equally fun to make assets and asks daily to ‘do some animation’ – this is one of his latest entries. Now its up to me to figure out how I can use it.