
It crept up my spine like first rising vibes of an acid frenzy.

HST ‘Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas’

So. After returning to the old Ice Cream level to see if I can hammer it out – I had a realization that I have A MONTH LEFT on my self-imposed deadline. Not a good feeling when one also has the responsibility of getting 2 small humans and 1 normal sized one up, dressed, fed and out the door 5 days a week, running a household in dire need of repair and a neurotic cat with a 24/7 need for attention and affection.

It doesn’t help that this last part seems to bee the biggest hurtle when it comes to finishing this demo. The pacing seems off; tying the 3 quests together so it flows feels *wrong* – Its like I’m throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks; except I keep forgetting I coated the walls with NeverWet. In my desperation, I posted a gameplay video on the Playmaker Slack channel in hopes that I could get someone with sharp eyes to point out what was wrong with it.

hearing the song ‘Help!’ in my head…

Fortunately, the gang came up with some ideas – and between kids being off for a week for spring break; getting a nasty, kick my butt cold that has me sleeping more than I should and a lot of other distractions (like St. Patty’s day and a neighbor who makes excellent smoked brisket) – I *might* have a shot at getting my level sorted and looking decent.

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